AEW Dynamite & Rampage results, live blog (May 1, 2024): Kenny Omega returns (2024)

Here’s a place to check results and comment along with the new episode of AEW Dynamite and Rampage, airing live tonight (May 1) starting at 8:00 pm ET on TBS.

The shows come our way from the Canada Life Centre in Winnipeg, Manitoba and will continue the build toward AEW’s Double or Nothing PPV on May 26 in Las Vegas.

Dynamite will feature the first appearance of the year by Kenny Omega, one week after his former faction The Elite took out Tony Khan. We’ll also learn who will challenge AEW World champion Swerve Strickland at the Memorial Day weekend PPV. Two titles will be defended tonight, with Adam Copeland putting the TNT belt up against a to-be-determined member of House of Black, and Katsuyori Shibata looking to make Chris Jericho’s reign as FTW champ a short one. We’ll also see Mariah May deal with someone who’s gunning for her mentor Timeless Toni Storm’s AEW Women’s championship, Serena Deeb. Plus, Claudio Castagnoli clashes with Brian Cage, Samoa Joe battles Isiah Kassidy, and Orange Cassidy speaks on last Saturday’s Parking Lot Fight between former Best Friends Trent Beretta & Chuck Taylor.

Then immediately after that on Rampage, it’ll be Switchblade Jay White vs. Dante Martin... and more!

Come right back here at 8 pm ET when the Dynamite (and Rampage) live blog kicks off down below when the action starts on TBS.

Enjoy the show!


Holdin’ out in my hotel room and police they finally come. Had her as the prosecution and my prints upon the gun. Know she’s got a pistol, laid it down on me, and here I am livebloggng this pro wrestling show for you, folks.

The show opens with Tony Khan coming at us live via satellite in Jacksonville, Florida, wearing a neck brace.

He says he’s here to produce the show long-distance because of the injuries that the Young Bucks and Jack Perry visited on him but the video cuts out and the Bucks appear to say “oh no they lost connection” and people might wonder why they aren’t fired after last week but they have iron-clad contracts with founder’s clauses and they and their colleagues aren’t going anywhere.

And further, if Tony Khan isn’t available the EVPs run the show, so they’re in charge tonight, and they toss to the new opening of the show, which is all about the Elite.

Shane Strickland makes his entrance and gets on the mic.

He calls the Elite out for doing a bitch move last week and wants to get down to the business of figuring his opening out for Double or Nothing, and he tells whoever it is to come present themselves but to wipe their feet before they step in his house.

The Young Bucks appear on the screen and congratulate him and say they’re also champions and now the success is clearly getting to his head and he needs a dose of humility. So they’re arranging the very best, perfect opponent for him at Double or Nothing, a Canadian former champion at the go position, ready to meet him...

Enter Christian Cage and the Patriarchy.

He and Mother Wayne get in the ring and square up like he’s gonna cut a promo but he just sucker-punches Strickland! Shane recovers, a flurry of punches, he stops short of hitting Mother Wayne, Killswitch takes him out and Christian drops him with a Killswitch.

Christian says Swerve has had this coming since he attacked his son Nick Wayne months ago and now he’s gonna make his world title a footnote. He tells Shane he’s gonna give his daughter a father she can be proud of for the rest of her life. So at Double or Nothing he’s going to walk into his house and rip the world title out of his hands, and the pain has only just begun.

Killswitch picks Swerve up and yanks a handful of hair out of his head!

We get a video package of the House of Black accepting Adam Copeland’s open challenge for the TNT Championship.

Adam Copeland (c) vs. Buddy Matthews (AEW TNT Championship Open Challenge)

Circling, Matthews with a go-behind, Copeland passes him to the floor, low-bridge out the other side when he comes back in, suicide dive sends the challenger sprawling up the aisle and we go to break.

Back from commercial, Adam gets caught with a hanging DDT coming back into the ring! Snapmare, kick to the spine, reverse chinlock, Copeland gets up on his feet, Buddy cinches it back in, soon enough both men end up down and out on the floor! Back inside, trading right hands, Matthews shoves him off, Adam clobbers him against the ropes, duck a lariat, both men go for crossbodies and end up down and out as we go to break!

Back from commercial, Copeland with mounted punches in the corner, a boot, clubbing blows rain down, setting up the spear, Buddy cuts him off, nearfall and into an arm-trap crossface in the middle of the ring! Adam with a nearfall, laying in wait, Matthews sidesteps him into the corner, fireman’s carry... GO TO SLEEEEEP!

Buddy waiting for him to rise, Copeland sidesteps the stomp...

Adam Copeland wins by pinfall with a spear, retaining the AEW TNT Championship.

Post-match, Copeland grabs a pair of chairs and cuts Matthews off, setting him up on one chair and grabbing the other, evil on his mind when the lights go out! They come back up, Malakai Black is standing next to him, encouraging him to do it. Buddy, kneeling upright, tells Copeland to do it, but the lights go out again!

They come back up and Adam Copeland is alone in the ring and we go to break.

Isiah Kassidy vs. Samoa Joe

Kassidy dancing, cutting Joe off, tope con giro but Samoa just walks it off! Back inside, Isiah mounts a brave offense but Samoa Joe is inevitable...

Samoa Joe wins by pinfall with the Muscle Buster.

We get a promo from Skye Blue calling Willow Nightingale out for a TBS Championship match, and we go to break.

Back from commercial, Orange Cassidy makes his entrance and gets on the mic.

He says he thought after Saturday when his best friends Chuck and Trent beat each other up in the parking lot they’d get it out of their system and then all stand in this ring together as Best Friends, but that’s never going to happen, because he’s been told that because of what Beretta did, Chuck Taylor will never wrestle again.

So now he’s standing in the ring alone to tell Trent Beretta that the next time he sees him—

Enter Trent Beretta.

He says big surprise, Orange is trying to make something else about himself again. Orange charges and security holds him back while Trent calls him selfish and blames him for Chuck’s career ending.

Don Callis comes down amid the chaos and Trent ends up giving a thumbs up.

Renee Paquette interviews the Young Bucks but they decide to give their time to “Scapegoat” Jack Perry.

He says he meant it when he told Tony Khan that all he wants is what’s best for AEW, and last week was part of that even if you can’t see. He accepted being the Scapegoat because someone needed to make that sacrifice, but we all need to make sacrifices, and now we enter a new era under the Elite.

Chris Jericho’s dad Ted Irvine is in the front row cheering him on as he makes his entrance.

Chris Jericho (c) vs. Katsuyori Shibata (FTW Championship)

Back and forth, Jericho gets a Lionsault early and just jams his knees into Shibata! Out and under for a trash can lid, smashing Katsuyori with it, Chris gets a bag of hockey pucks and dumps them out like thumbtacks, and of course “he who smelt it, dealt it” is in full effect as the Wrestler hits an STO into the pucks!

Straight suplex into the pucks, boot, laying chops in, Y2J throws his own in return but withers under Shibata’s assault and we go to break!

Back from commercial, Katsuyori continuing to hammer him with chops and forearms into the corner, Jericho’s chest red and raw and he throws a hockey puck at Shibata to distract him enough for a double leg into the Walls of Jericho! Shibata reverses into a figure four leglock, Chris throws a hockey puck at his teeth to break the hold!

Jericho gets a trash can and puts it on Shibata, hammering it with a kendo stick over and over but Katsuyori rises up, steel in his heart and in his spine, advancing through kendo stick shots without taking the trash can off! Backing Jericho into the corner, he begs off, trash can headbutts into kicks!

Shibata sets the can up... HESITATION DROPKICK ON THE MONEY BABY! Lateral press for two, he throws Jericho a kendo stick to set up a fair fight! Circling, Shibata sits crosslegged on the mat, Jericho joins him and they take turns whacking each other with the sticks!

Katsuyori knocks Chris out, he goes and gets a table and sets it up in the ring, leaning it in a corner! Backing him off, punches and chops, but Jericho cuts him off with a Codebreaker... NOPE! Shibata chokes him, ripcord chop, surveying the scene, he sets the table up properly in the corner but “Big” Bill Morrissey comes in and cuts the challenger off with a big boot!

Chokeslam through the table, Jericho crawls over...

Chris Jericho wins by pinfall with a folding press, retaining the FTW Championship.

We get a recap of the Mercedes Mone segment from last week.

Kris Statlander, Stokely Hathaway, and Willow Nightingale are interviewed backstage by Renee Paquette.

Kris apologizes for her part in last week’s kerfuffle and Willow accepts Skye’s challenge, and Hathaway complains about not being able to complain to anybody since the Bucks beat up Tony Khan, and before payday no less! The Bucks send word that Kris and Stokely are banned from ringside and if anyone interferes Willow will be stripped of her title.

Hathaway asks what he did to deserve this besides his own actions and we go to break.

Brian Cage vs. Claudio Castagnoli

Castagnoli with uppercuts, vertical suplex, Cage ducks a lariat, snaps off a tijeras, big dropkick and he’s fired up! To the apron, Brian with the deadlift superplex and we go to break!

Back from commercial, Claudio pounding him with uppercuts in the corner, referee Bryce Remsburg warns him off but Castagnoli gets right back in with an uppercut! Trading big boots, a little back and forth sets up Swiss Death... NOPE! Giant swing right into the Sharpshooter...

Claudio Castagnoli wins by submission with the Sharpshooter.

And so we go to break.

Back from commercial, Renee Paquette interviews Rocky Romero.

He says watching his friends fight has been tearing him apart and from now on he does his own thing, and that’s to become a champion. He’s been a champion in New Japan, in ROH, in CMLL, and the only way he knows how is to challenge the best, and there’s a guy he knows who brings out the best in him, and that’s Kyle O’Reilly, and he’s gonna fight him on Rampage tonight.

Mariah May vs. Serena Deeb

Feeling out, May with a waistlock, Deeb reverses to a wristlock, Mariah reverses, Serena puts her in the Paradise Lock and breaks her free with a dropkick to the tuchus! Snapmare, off the ropes, shoulder block, drop down, roll through into an inverted surfboard! May breaks out and regains control as we go to break!

Back from commercial, Deeb with a hanging neckbreaker in the ropes! Fisherman neckbreaker, Serena’s fired up, May off the ropes, caught by a German suplex, Deeb with a Pepsi Twist... SO CLOSE! Mariah with the hip attack, cover for two, handful of hair, off the ropes, Knee Trembler... STILL NO!

Back and forth, fighting over a backslide, Deeb gets it but can’t seal the deal! Mariah with a headbutt, Saito suplex connects! Serena slamming her knee into the mat over and over, half-crab applied, Toni Storm throws the towel in...

Serena Deeb wins by submission with a half-crab.

Renee Paquette interviews Adam Copeland backstage.

He says he’s okay and Kyle O’Reilly rolls up to tell him what an inspiration he is and offers his assistance if Copeland ever needs backup. Adam thanks him and wishes him luck against Rocky Romero tonight.

Kenny Omega makes his entrance and gets on the mic.

He says he’s never been good at this kinda stuff, talking about injuries, sickness, weakness. He says he was diagnosed with diverticulitis a couple months back and he was 24 hours away from dying at one point. He said “cool story doc, can you patch me up and send me back to Dynamite?”

But he was told that if he was going to have surgery right away he might have to wear a colostomy bag for the rest of his life, and if he doesn’t, he’ll have a ticking time bomb in his gut for the rest of his life, and any sort of blunt force trauma to the stomach could kill him.

Since that day, he can’t lie, he had to stop... he pauses because he’s emotional, before admitting he had to stop watching the show. His hands would shake, he was scared, he felt pathetic and like a coward, and maybe the point today was to come out and explain to us that he has to retire.

And then he turned on Dynasty the other day and he saw Swerve make history, he saw Will Ospreay and Bryan Danielson put on one of the greatest matches he’s ever seen in his life, and he wishes he could say he was happy, but his hands were shaking and the tremors got worse and he asked if he was scared of being a wrestler.

But that’s not it, when he came out and heard the reaction he got, he realized yes he was scared, but he was shaking because he was going through withdrawal! He needs to be in the ring more than he needs to breathe, and being the best is what fuels him! He says it hurts to be gone and be out of the conversation for who’s the best, and he promises us that this isn’t over until he exhausts every option.

10%, 5%, 1%, bag or no bag, we’re not done with Kenny Omega yet! He vowed to change the world, and since we’re talking about colostomy bags, he wants to talk about two other sh*tbags too. He calls the Young Bucks out and says they’ve embarrassed themselves more than ever and they’re free to do that but they forgot that there’s one other EVP.

He may be fired from the Elite, but they can’t fire him as an EVP, so until someone says otherwise, part of the power in this company belongs to the Best Bout Machine.

Enter Kazuchika Okada.

Omega addresses him and recalls their New Japan rivalry and says they’ll settle it in an AEW ring in a few months. Kazuchika tells him sorry, he’s the Best Bout Machine now— JACK PERRY BLINDSIDES OMEGA! Okada throws Perry a chair, he whacks security with it, Kenny slides under, lefts and rights, knees to the midsection... DRAGON SUPLEX BUT KENNY IMMEDIATELY CLUTCHES HIS STOMACH!

Calling for it, off the ropes, Okada trips him up... AND JACK PERRY RAMS THE CHAIR RIGHT INTO OMEGA’S DIVERTICULITIS!

The Young Bucks come down mock-concerned but end up grabbing Kenny’s wrists... EVP TRIGGER!


That’s Dynamite, folks.

Rampage begins still in the ring with FTR and Kenny Omega, as the Elite leave and a stretcher comes to wheel Omega off.

We go backstage where the Elite cut FTR off in front of the ambulance and beat them down before walking over to Omega... AND TIPPING THE STRETCHER OVER, SENDING THE CLEANER SPRAWLING!

Dante Martin vs. “Switchblade” Jay White

White backing him into the corner with jabs, to the floor and back in, Jay drops him hard in the corner and we go to break!

Back from commercial, Switchblade with a reverse chinlock, big Rock Bottom cuts Martin off, Dante wading in with chops, springboard moonsault... NOPE! Dragging Jay up, half nelson, White slips out and catches him...

Jay White wins by pinfall with Blade Runner.

Post-match, White raises Martin’s hand but it’s a fakeout and he attacks afterwards!

Renee Paquette interviews Deonna Purrazzo backstage.

She complains about having to earn things and says after last week she’s feeling herself and it’s time the rest of the locker room feel her too, and if Thunder Rosa wants to make things personal, and she’ll be happy to, and we go to break.

Back from commercial, we get a Rush hype reel.

Renee Paquette interviews “Big” Bill Morrissey backstage.

He says he believes and he’s always believed that he has all the tools necessary to make it to the top of this industry, he’s just missing the proper guidance, and Chris Jericho is the guy who can take him to the promised land.

Jericho rolls up and gives Katsuyori Shibata credit for being a great wrestler and completely delusionally talks about the fans cheering him on and says that Big Bill is right and he would love to take him into the Jericho Vortex and make him part of the Learning Tree.

Morrissey promises he won’t let him down and Y2J says he knows he won’t.

Shane Strickland cuts a promo where he reminds Christian Cage that they tagged in Wembley and says he’s gonna have a little talk with him and this time he won’t be alone.

Kyle O’Reilly vs. Rocky Romero

Feeling out, O’Reilly picking the leg, ankle lock, Romero gets him with the rebound kick, to the floor, suicide dive from Rocky! Kyle with a cross armbar on the floor, and we go to break!

Back from commercial, trading kicks in the middle of the ring, hammering ad nauseum, lariat and both men are down and out! Up in the turnbuckles, Romero hits the turning Shiranui off the top... SO CLOSE! KOR with a guillotine choke, Rocky reverses, looking for a double wristlock but Kyle counters...

Kyle O’Reilly wins by pinfall.

Saraya and Harley Cameron are interviewed backstage.

They talk trash on Mariah May and call her Tiny Storm and we go to break.

Back from commercial, Roderick Strong and the Kingdom are interviewed.

They talk trash at Tony Khan for not traveling in a neck brace and Roddy tells Will Ospreay that he’ll need every bullet in his chamber to win, and that means he’s going to have to use the Tiger Driver ‘91 against him. They decide where AEW goes from here, and Will will fall to the Messiah of the Backbreaker.

Skye Blue vs. Willow Nightingale (c) (AEW TBS Championship Manitoba Massacre Match)

Nightingale wading right in with a trash can lid, fighting out into the crowd, back to ringside and Blue jumps off the barricade but Willow cracks her across the face with a chair! Setting Skye in a chair, cannonball off the apron, Blue rolls away and we go to break!

Back from commercial, Blue in control, she goes under the ring for plunder and comes up with a black bag, emptying it in the ring... THUMBTACKS! Nightingale up top, jockeying for position, Willow takes her down... AVALANCHE FISHERMAN BUSTER SO CLOSE! Bodyslam into a chair, Nightingale moonsaults but nobody’s home!

Skye goes under the ring, barbed wire board, setting it on a table, jockeying for position on the apron... WILLOW NIGHTINGALE DOCTOR BOMB OFF THE APRON THROUGH THE BARBED WIRE BOARD DANGERRROUS! IT’S OVER!

Willow Nightingale wins by pinfall with a Doctor Bomb through a barbed wire board, retaining the AEW TBS Championship.

That’s the show, folks.

AEW Dynamite & Rampage results, live blog (May 1, 2024): Kenny Omega returns (2024)


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